Friday 9 May 2008

My Name Is Wu Liao

I totally don't understand to some people who updated their Facebook status so so so constantly.

Wu Liao
is up.

Wu Liao
is choosing his wardrobe, between his old t-shirt, super old t-shirt or farking old t-shirt.

Wu Liao
is putting on his old t-shirt.

Wu Liao
is dunno what to eat for lunch, cos he just had his breakfast.

Wu Liao
is having bread, but confused should it be sunshine or gardenia wholemeal bread

Wu Liao
is spreading the jam just like how he spread his leg when he meet his man.

Wu Liao
is shitting his bread out now.

Wu Liao
is staring at his shit. It's runny and a little bit look like Phua Chu Kang's face.

Like, think people care you're up or not meh???!
okay, fine..I'm a Facebook addict and I m a super hardcore profile stalker, in a good way, ofcourse *flick hair*But to tell people what you are doing every other second, abit to much, rite???!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i don't know what kind of friends you have... but this is ridiculously hilarious!