Monday 19 May 2008


Went to St. James on Sunday, the Wesuk day holiday eve. The parking was a bloody bitch. Can't find a single lot and they closed the carpark entry. CB! Thought of parking at Vivo Siti but then again.... walk from Vivo Siti to St. James..that's like Orchard to Jurong isn't it, I mean the distance??!!! *flick hair*

Walk=Sweat!!! I don't walk..the only time I walk it's in the mall where it's air-conditioned. My hair will go all limp and greasy from the sweat, how to flick my hair like that??? EEEEEEEEEEE...

after few u-turns, found the valet guy OUTSIDE the st. James, not inside like usual. Hooray! I don't need to walk liao....

Hurry hurry, left my car to valet guy, I want to dance like there is no tomorrow, due to this I forgot to take out my cashcard from my car. I always remember the amount of money left inside it..not that I have good memories or what lah... it's $38.

party party party... time to go home!

When I get into my car... I look at my cashcard , it left 36cents!!!!!!!!! HUH?? Seriously, it can't be that expensive right?? Not like I park it overnite or something. Somemore I tip the guy $8 $1000!! WTF?????????!! I took out the card to check, it's a different cashcard!! It's the ugly standard cashcard instead of my cartoon-act-cute series.

Fcuk you laaah.... *click click calculator 38 minus 0.36* EEEEEEEEEEEEE
$37.64 also want to take..I hate dishonest people!! Bloody thieft!!!!!


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