Tuesday 19 February 2008

Dream a little dream of me

For the past 2 nights I had a 2 super vivid dreams again. It's not scary..it's sooo super duper real. 1st one was I dreamt that AhPao (this fictious name again) walking around naked in my living room, practically prancing and do his little dance move, some of you perhaps know which one it is. In my dream I asked him why are you walking around naked? He said since we all have one dangling dingdong, why not showing it in pride??!! eeeeeeeek! When i told him that during our phone conversation, he said Im fantasizing about him!! *roll eyes*
then on different occasion (MSN) he called me names again like fatty pom pom/hippo lee, when everybody knows that I am soo totally not fat and hippoish but im a flamingoish, then he said that I'm a chub chaser (i think he meant by that I am a chub), I told him maybe indeed I am a chub chaser cos I do dreamt about him walking around naked in my living room. Wahahahaaa.

*where is ahpao?

and last night, I dreamt this so 'n so are going out with this so 'n so and leaving the fairytale life style behind to become lovers and live as uni student *gasp* I wake up thought it was real, til i decided to write this as my blog entry. I think this is where gossip came from if u could not tell dream or reality??

1 comment:

Astrotoy said...

why are my knees dragged into this argument?