me: *flick hair* Sin Ming Avenue, please. The prawn-ing place. D'ya know where issit?
uncle: Haaa?! *look at me using the rear view mirror* Sims Avenue go do pron ah??
me: *flick hair and roll eyes* yeah..prawn. D'ya know?
uncle: aiyoh, so havoc ah... what pron?? prono movie ah??? Sims avenue got prono studio ah?? Havoc girl lerr you!
me: *hysterical fit* OMFG!!!!!!!!!! PRAWNING uncle! It's SIN MING Avenue not Geylang, Sims Avenue. I'm a decent girl! and by the way, it's PORNO not prono!
uncle: ohhhh catch PRON ahhh... I heard salahhh, sorry ahhh. Teehee.
URGHHHHHHH!!! when you thought Ris Low engrish is bad!!!
Girl, you gotta blog more!!! I saw this only just now!!! See how little I check on your updates!!
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