Sunday, 27 July 2008

Tristina, Miss Tiffany 2009?

Tristina claims that her friends call her "Tiffany" cos she looks expensive and high maintenance.

*roll eyes*

as in Tiffany&Co lerrr, like, which part ah???

but we never, we just call her Tristina Uglilera *flick hair*

after few seconds of me rolling my eyes, something dawned on me. I shrieking out loud. I think she meant she is the miss Tiffany not that Tiffany&Co.

OMG, gurllll!!! You are soooo gonna be the next year winner! ! ! You are indeed the true Miss Tiffany! *do the waving*

now, I agree with your statement. Miss Tiffany, you are expensive (chop kuku, plant nehneh, filler here filler there) and high maintenance (heels, dress, make-up, lingerie and crowns that is permanently stick to ur head?)

*shout* Tristinaaaaa is Miss Tiwannee Uniworst Two Jeelo Jeelo Naiii (2009) Naaa Krubbbbb ! ! !



Anonymous said...

Hahaha this is definitely a good retaliate for the injury tristina uglyleera caused on us !!!

but on a serious note... i think tristina might win the title Miss tiffany with good grooming and some cat walk lessons.... haha !!!

Young n Fab

Bob Bob said...

indeeed!!! Jia you na kaaaaaaaaa

Astrotoy said...

Dammit! Thought I could hide it from you guys but you still found out!

Bob Bob said...

i suggest u keep the kuku, tristina. chick with dick is still very IN.